We are Finnair– a team of top professionals from around the world. Established in 1923, we are one of the world’s longest-operating airlines. During our history, we have learned that success requires a clear vision and commitment. We work in a dynamic environment, serving a challenging global market. Finnair is a place where ambitious, competent and motivated people can really make a difference.
We are now looking for new customer-oriented team players to join our
responsible for cabin safety and service on Finnair flights.
Our team of world-class professionals would like to welcome you on board!
We are looking for people who are passionate about customer satisfaction and quality service. On the flights, you will ensure that Finnair’s customer promise is fulfilled in line with Finnair’s service identity.
As a member of Finnair’s cabin crew, you will follow safety guidelines and prepare for each flight by familiarizing yourself with flight information and related working instructions. You will create and maintain a safe working environment, and foster a positive work culture true to Finnair’s values: commitment to care, simplicity and courage. Everyone at Finnair is responsible for constantly developing their professional skills according to the changing requirements of the work.
What is required to become a cabin crew member at Finnair?
- Completed secondary education (upper secondary / vocational school)
- Fluency in Finnish and English; other language skills considered an advantage
- Experience of customer service; sales experience considered an advantage
- Ability and willingness to understand and follow instructions
- International experience considered an advantage
- Height between 160cm and 188cm
- Faultless color vision and distant vision using both eyes 0.7 or better (with or without glasses)
- Normal hearing
- Ability to swim minimum 50 meters
- Good general health (minimum requirement EASA Part Med Cabin Crew and Finnair regulations)
- No visible tattoos, piercings or teeth jewelry
The following competencies are highly valued at Finnair and will be evaluated during the recruitment process:
- Independency
- Customer-orientation
- Ability to work under pressure
- Ability to solve problems
- Ability to act as an active team member
- Ability and willingness to learn and develop
- You can find more specified information of the requirements here.
Before employment, selected candidates will participate in a training course of eight weeks, without separate compensation for the training period. First courses will start in March. Successfully passed cabin crew training is a prerequisite for employment. New employees will be offered a fixed-term contract at Finnair from May until October 2016. Afterwards there may be a possibility for a permanent contract.
The recruitment process will consist of several phases in December 2015-April 2016. Please notice that this process is not linked with previous recruitments. Therefore, old applications, tests and interview results are not taken into account.
Please submit your application at www.finnair.fi/rekry by the 20th December.
Please prepare to complete few tests within the application period. Completing the tests will take approx. one hour. Tests measure capabilities that are relevant in a Cabin Crew position, such as natural behavior and abilities. We recommend you to follow your email frequently (incl. spam) after submitting the application for more detailed instructions. It is important that you use the same email address throughout the entire recruitment process.
Unfortunately we are not able to answer inquiries by phone but we are happy to answer any questions about Finnair cabin crew work or the ongoing recruitment process at ask.fm/cabinjobs. You can also send your question to cabinjobs@finnair.com.
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Oletko haaveillut lentoemännän tai stuertin työstä? Tiedätkö mitä kaikkea tapahtuu ennen kuin astut lentokoneeseen tai minkälaista on matkustaa työkseen ympäri maailmaa? Nyt sinulla on tilaisuus kurkistaa Finnairin kulissien taakse ja lukea alan ammattilaisten vinkkejä työnhakuun:
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Ennen lentoemännäksi tai stuertiksi ryhtymistä jokaisella kokelaalla on edessä yli kuukauden intensiivinen koulutusjakso, joka antaa valmiudet työskentelyyn vaativalla ilmailualalla. Duunitori pääsi tutustumaan päivän ajaksi Finnair Flight Academyyn, jossa koulutetaan uudet matkustamotyöntekijät:
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Kuinka matkustamohenkilökunnan työ on vuosien varrella muuttunut? Mitä mieltä henkilökunta on ilmailutyön muuttumisesta? Duunitori pääsi jututtamaan Finnairin kokenutta matkustamohenkilökuntaa – lue myös, millaisia vinkkejä he antavat pian rekrytoitavalle uudelle sukupolvelle!
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